Thursday, August 02, 2007

Finally... The Godfather

Finally, I have seen The Godfather.
My friend Alex and I headed up to the church, opened a bottle of a good red and popped in the movie.
It's amazing I haven't seen this before, as it's considered one of the greatest films of all time. Plus Diane Keaton and Marlon Brando are in it. Two of my favorites.
So seeing The Godfather has completely re-energized my love of film. It was definitely one of the best 3 hours periods of my life. This film shows exactly how great and important movies can be. Of all the art forms, movies usually get the shaft when it comes to respect. Sure, people throw out Igmar Bergman (rest in peace) or Truffaut to sound smart, but movies get the shaft. The Godfather perfectly straddles that line of great film and great movie. It's entertaining and engaging like a movie, but beautiful and meaningful like a film.
I'm not here to review. I would need to see this film at least 3 times before I could even begin to write a competent review. I just had to gush and let the love out.
This makes my short list of perfect films: Annie Hall, Casablanca and Citizen Kane are the others.


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