Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Grammatical Pet Peeve

I, like all the rest of you, have a lot of pet peeves (disco, Hummers for civilians, leading the country into a poorly managed war based on [at best] faulty intelligence), but I have one major one. People do it all the time, and I'm going to have to cut the next person I hear.

"You and I"

Sometimes this is correct, as in "You and I went to the store."

However, if you say "Let's keep this between you and I" you're just being pompous. It's "you and me." Stop trying to sound smart by replacing your me's with I's. It's bad enough when you (generic you, not you who are reading this) are wrong, but don't compound your "wrongness" by trying to sound like a smarty.

Rant over.

(Please don't point out my hypocracy. I know my that grammar isn't perfect and that my spelling is worse. This is my blog, and I'll rant when I want to rant!)


Blogger Carla Jean said...

You misspelled hypocrisy. ;)

10:34 AM  
Blogger jMoney said...

dang it! what did I just say??? (that's too funny - i have to leave it.)

10:46 AM  
Blogger annie are you okay said...

i agree!!!!!! can i say that again, i agree!!!!

one of the things that irritates me the most is that i work at a place with people who don't know words...i mean, i know that preschoolers aren't reading and least the 2 year olds aren't...but TEACHERS should lead by example...

and here's an example of a somewhat misguided example:

she writes to teacher who has gotten another job:

"Thank for everything you did for me and remember that i love and god love you to. so whole your head up and keep on smile!!

NO JOKE....WHOLE your head up!


6:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a practitioner of the linguistic sciences, it is my right, nay! My DUTY to defend the speakers of nonstandard varieties from such prejudices and assaults on the honor of their tongues. Aint nothing wrong with "you and I" in colloquial English although in writing it is what we would refer to as "hypercorrection" (i.e., trying to sound smart). But I understand that it is a pet peeve, and I respect your right to those (I have a few myself - such as people who believe there exists "correct grammar"...and leading the country into a poorly managed war based on [at best] faulty intelligence)

As to your example, Annie, it's an example of (what we consider) a fascinating phenomenon known as an "eggcorn." It's actually a process that has been quite prodcutive in English, giving us such words and phrases as "pea,"(from the original singular pease) "butt naked" (from buck naked), free reign (from free rein), font (from fount), shoe-in (shoo-in) and hundreds of others. Fascinating.

11:14 PM  
Blogger Nerd said...


You and I were made to worship,
You and I are called to love,
You and I are forgiven and free.
When you and I embrace surrender,
You and I choose to believe,
You and I will see how we were meant to be


10:44 PM  
Blogger annie are you okay said...

Good gracious, update your blog... some of our lives need to be lived vicariously through yours....HELP!

7:31 AM  
Blogger Misty said...

I is subjective. Me is objective. I feel your pain, jm.

11:06 AM  
Blogger Jennifer Hornsby said...

one of my pet peeves is people who don't update their blogs... :)

9:24 AM  

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