Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Full Circle

So how funny is it that President Bush hired a Fox News anchorman to be his official press secretary? I mean, for years the Fox network has been the unofficial soapbox for the Bush administration (pretending to criticize every once in a while doesn't count as professional journalism... Especially when you're saying Bush isn't being conservative enough!), and now the administration has picked one of Fox's employees to actually be the official spokesman.

It just reminds me of how a few weeks back reports came out about Cheney's requirements in his hotel rooms, including that the television should be on and already tuned to Fox. Clearly, these people don't like any sort of criticism, and now they've got a real live journalist/pundit to defend them.


Blogger annie are you okay said...

ummm, if you don't give the liberals/democrats equal hating time then i'm going to be so's you people of the world that are just hating on the republicans that make the world a bad place....i mean, so what if a "credible" and "professional" and "aesthetically unpleasing" news conglomerate wants to be biased and then its employees want to go work for the what if Mr. Shotgun himself wants his tv turned on to that glorious station...why you hating....

just like liberals to hate...or yankees...are you trying to be both?

hey, where you been all my life...i know, selling people media that will probably make them fall in love with strippers and then go smoke on some "HHHHHHEEEEEEYYYYY in the middle of the barn"

holla atcha girl

(my attempt at gfabuous)

9:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm assuming it's YOU who's anonymously threatened violence and robbery against me & my Knopfler/Emmylou CD!?


3:31 PM  
Blogger jMoney said...

brandon - i ask myself that same question every day.

Suzanne- still can't prove it... but watch your back ;)

10:57 AM  

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