Sunday, April 09, 2006

A Boy Named Sue

(I couldn't resist this. Sorry, but I think it's kinda funny... It's a lazy Sunday)

Put your music player on shuffle.Press forward for each question.Use the song title as the answer to the question.No Cheating.

How am I feeling today?: Throw it all away

Will I get far in life?: Lip Service

Where will I get Married?: Out in the Cold

What is the story of my life?: Good Year for the Roses

How can I get ahead in life?: Wish

What is in store for this weekend?: Lazy Gun

What song describes my parents?: Dig Your Grave (that's horrible!)

To describe my grandparents?: Art Decade

What do my friends really think of me?: Mystery Dance

Do people secretly lust after me?: Drive Away (that's bad too!)

Will I ever have children?: Pancho and Lefty

What is some good advice for me?: We Never Change

What is my signature dancing song?: Poor Man's House

What type of men/women do you like?: Happy Endings

Now next song will be the topic name you post for the post.


Blogger annie are you okay said...

love i just gotta find out how to "shuffle" cause i'm not sure i know how to do that!...


i'm CLAIMING IT NOW! because i don't see any other comments....IF you get to be on this reality show...then I GET TO BE THE ONE THAT GOES AND VISITS YOU!

for sure even if you are boring now, you wouldn't be after i'd get a whole lot of labels then: the one with the psycho friend, the sympathetic one...there's others....

8:29 PM  
Blogger jMoney said...

i might be the sympathetic one after you visit? what are you gonna do to me?

9:43 PM  

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