Saturday, March 11, 2006

Tell me what i should do

So tonight, I go to Guerilla Theatre and see this guy from class. For the purpose of this essay, let's call him Buster. (Like the idiot son on Arrested Development.)

Buster precedes to tell me he's going to do a song that I would love. He says he knows my taste, and I will love it. First of all, I'm wondering, what do you know creepy classmate?

So, he is actually the first act. He comes out and does a song called Statitician's Blues. It's a Todd Snider song. I love this song, especially the one of his live version. So, I think, that's cool. He's doing a Todd song.

Then, after he finishes, he tells one of Todd's jokes. Then uses an intro for a Todd Song, then plays a Todd song (the wrong one for the intro actually). He uses a couple more Todd jokes and says good night to the crowd.

So, honestly, I'm thinking, if you're going to cover someone, that's cool, but give them credit. Also, don't completely rip them off and pass it off as your own. It kinda pissed me off.

My question is on Tuesday, when I see him in class (Buster is overall a pretty nice guy, aside from the stage plagiarism) should I...

a) Say "Yeah, I loved that act. When I saw Todd do it three times last year."

b) Say "Yeah, I love Todd Snider. I've seen him like three times." (and let the embarrising realization sink in)

c) Be like, dude, if you're gonna rip off one my favorite artists, give him credit


d) the most likely option, "yeah, good job, man."


Blogger Misty said...

I would probably go with B, too, JM. You missed a good show at Mellow Mushroom, by the way, but I understand ... we missed you, though! (We really did ... we even commented when we were sitting in MM that we wished you could have come) Anyway, hope you've had a good weekend.

12:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well...i suggest you consult seinfeld...did anyone ever rip off his jokes? I know someone ripped off his "moves" once...and there was a big to-do over that...perhaps you should see what happens in "real life" aka television to find out what you should do!

7:41 AM  
Blogger kathrynthomas said...

i'm still liking a. b is more like me, but it may not necessarily get the point across. go with a.

8:47 AM  
Blogger jMoney said...

aww, tv is the real world. we're the fake one.

1:59 PM  

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